Move Service

Are you moving?

Please review the service definitions to ensure you can submit your service request online.

If you need service physically turned off, do not use this online form.
  • Move - I am moving to a new address and will no longer need service at this address. Mobile home customers, please call us at
  • Change Energy Source - I am converting my home to a different energy source (gas to electric, electric to propane, etc.) Please call us at , 1-877-370-8668
  • Seasonal - I will not need service for a short period of time. I will contact you again to turn it back on when I'm ready. Please call us at
  • Demolition - This building is being demolished. Service needs to be stopped. Please call us at , 1-877-370-8668
  • Temporary - I am remodeling my home and will need service disconnected for a short period. Please call us at

If you're unable to complete your transaction online, please call us at Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.